lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

2ª eso PMAR. Homework

1. Completa las oraciones con la afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa del verbo TO BE.
1. An elephant __ a strong animal.
2. __ your father tall?
3. I __ (not) very brave.
4. __ you adventurous?
5. He __ (not) my brother.
6. We __ (not) good friends.

2. Completa las oraciones con la afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa del verbo HAVE GOT.
1. The actor __ long hair.
2. __ Simon __ brown eyes?
3. He __ (not) many friends.
4. The singers __ nice voices.
5. __ the students __ their books?
6. I __ (not) a big room.

3. Completa el texto con la forma correcta del verbo TO BE o del verbo HAVE GOT (afirmativa o negativa).
A. Taylor Swift ___ my favourite singer. She ___ many good songs.
B. ___ she ___ dark hair?
A. No, she ___. Her hair __ light.
B. __ her eyes blue?
A. Yes, they __ and they __ beautiful.

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