martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Taller 4º eso. Homework

-Order the sentences to write a conversation. Those sentences introduced by * can't be moved!

*Journalist: Hello everybody. Here I am at Mosquito City University and Hydrogen Engine Facility and I am just going in to talk to Doctor Nelson Trafalgar, the resident hydrogen expert… Hello there Doctor Trafalgar.
Professor: It is. It’s wonderful.
Journalist: Sorry. 
Professor: You know your chemistry.
Journalist: Because when you ignite gasoline it causes that smoke that comes out of the back of the car.
Professor: Pop in. Come in.
Journalist: Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for your time here today. Can you tell us how does this hydrogen engine work?
Professor: No pollution whatsoever.
*Journalist: Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide. Zinc. Lead. Sulphur. All those chemicals. Poisonous metals.
Professor: That’s right.
Journalist: A little bit.
Professor: That’s right. Terrible pollution.
Journalist: Oh! So there is no pollution?
Professor: How about a cup of good old English tea?
Journalist: So you are working here. You are building totally clean engines.
Professor: Well (laughs) Well, I can tell you very very quickly. When you ignite hydrogen it releases energy and that turns into water. It turns into water.
Journalist: The air is so fresh in Mosquito City and this is why.
Professor: Hello. Pop on in.
Journalist: There is no pollution.
Professor: Well. Very good.
Journalist: The vegetables are great. The fruit is great. The air is fresh. I am starting to feel frisky.
Professor: That’s right. Let me take you around and show you.
*Journalist: Ok.

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