lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

2º bachillerato. Corrección de errores


Prince William, the son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana, tries to life a ordinary live. He always tell people to call him William. While he growing up, he hated paparazzi and avoided apearing in pubblic with his famous mother. His family have worked hard to protect her privacy. When he is in school at Eton, school officials asked students to left the school if they talked to newspapers reporters about the Prince.

At school, William loved sport, specially football, rugby, swiming and water polo. He studies very seriosly and got goods marks. Furtermore, he was a popular student. William lived in the same dormitory as his younger brother, Harry. The two brothers are good friends. William is a person independenta and does not always forgets the rigid protocol of Buckingham Palace. He has invited personally guests to royal social gatherings and has openly objected to some decision made by her father. This is in contrast to his father, Prince Charles, at the same age. A committee decided that Prince Charles would go to university and then enter the military, and that is what did he do. He hadn’t no alternative.

In the autumm of 2001, William entered St. Andrew’s University in Scotland. That year, aplications to St. Andrew’s rose by 40%.   

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