miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

2º bachillerato. Corrección errores


*Can you find any mistakes dealing with WO, SP, [ ] and SV?


You've probably bougth from H&M a T-shirt or some jean, but how much you know about the clothes shop popular? Read on to found out more.

Erling Persson is the man who the company started . Västeras in Sweden is where opened the fist shop. 1947 are when Persson opened his shop first. There is now 76000 employes who work for the compani. H&M employes 100 designes that on the clothes work. 2000 is the number of shop wich the company own. The things that the company sells includes clotes, shoes or cosmetic.

*Can you find any mistakes dealing with [ ], SP, VT, !! and SV?


Sir Isaac Newton (1642- 1727): Isaac newton was a matematician, physicist and astronomo who make many important discoveries. Worked out the laws basic of gravity and motion and showed that light is make up of the seven colors of the reinbow. Newton built also the first telescope reflecting and helped to develope the mathemathical sistem of calculus.

Rachel Carson (1907- 1964): Rachel Carson was an biologist American and environmentalist. She researches the effects of the products in pesticides (chemicals that is used to kill insects) and showed that they also were killing animals. 1962 she published Silent Spring, a book containing the results of research. Eventualy some of the pesticides most dangerous were baned in america as a result of she work.

Francis Crick (1916- 2004), Maurice Wilkins (1928- 2004) and James Watson (1916-): Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins were English scientist and James Watson is American. Togeter they researched and discover the structure of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA contains the genetic information that allow all things living to function, grow and reproduce. Know about DNA is important for medicine and DNA testing can help solve crimes. They wined the Nobel Prize in 1962 for his discovery.

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